Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 16:38:12 -0800 From: To: Subject: Re: Re: X3 Volunteers [#135] Craig, > we are working on a next version of the free.. what do you have in mind exactly? Thanks for the reply. Apologies for the delay in my response. Here are the major things I want in a filter: 1. Free 2. Works 3. Can go into unsubvertable mode (where it will not be uninstalled on demand) 4. Supports whitelists and blacklists per protocol, per address, and per address/mime-type for http 5. Self-monitoring mode (can control one's own configuration, but not instantaneously) The minor things I also want: 6. Works on Windows, Mac OS X, and linux (in decreasing order of importance) 7. Default whitelist/blacklists. The target audience I have in mind is the reluctant porn user who may not have good friends to help, and who is willing to have a less-than-perfect web experience to avoid the clutches of porn. This user doesn't really want to look at porn, but often does in times of temptation. My theory is that a filter based on delayed gratification (see #5 above) would help such a user. I don't know if the above is compatible with the vision of x3watch. My understanding is that the x3watch is monitoring/accountability based, but now [the pro version?] does some filtering as well. I've flushed out many of the ideas for this project, which I'm calling Pluckeye, but I'm not sure if it's best for the world to introduce yet another filter. I want to know (a) if any of these ideas could be integrated into some already existing filter. Or, (b) maybe some other like-minded people would be willing to share a common library if it seemed that would ease our combined workloads. I also realize reusing code is often more difficult than it's worth. Lastly, I want (c) some sort of colaboration so I'm motivated to put in more time on this project. I find that thus far, when coding in isolation, this project usually takes lower priority to other tasks that involve other people. That's where I'm coming from. Let me know if you think mutual aid in some form is a good or bad idea here. Thanks, Jon Wilkes